through innovative transportation solutions
Programs Overview
The Merrimack Valley TMA maintains a handful of programs to assist you if you commute to work or even if you telework. All of our programs promote the reduction of single occupancy vehicle rides when feasible, in an effort to improve air quality by reducing Co2 emissions, save you money on your commute, and alleviate traffic congestion.
Because your residential apartment community or employer wants to provide tenants or employees with transportation options, and is concerned about improving the air quality in our region, you are enrolled as a corporate member of the Merrimack Valley Transportation Management Association (TMA), at no cost to you!
As a member of the TMA, you have access to a full range of transportation services designed to save time, money, and most importantly reduce the stress of the daily commute.

The Merrimack Valley TMA has partnered with RideAmigos to bring members a comprehensive app-based interactive platform to provide customized options designed to provide choice for how you travel to/from or within our upper Merrimack Valley communities of Andover, Haverhill, Lawrence, Methuen, and North Andover.
The Green to Work (GTW) program is a raffle-based points program for TMA member employees and tenants. Participants earn points for logging their “green” commutes to work during each calendar quarter.
TMA member employee/tenant participants who accumulate at least 240 points per quarter are eligible for a $250 gift card raffle.
The more trips you log, the more chances you have to win the raffle prize!
The Guaranteed Ride Home (GRH) program ensures MVTMA members who participate in our Green to Work program a ride home if there is an emergency, alleviating the fear of being stranded.
Green to Work (GTW) participants who log their commutes at least 2x a week can earn points toward the TMA Guaranteed Ride Home (GRH) program through UBER.
Additional Programs
TMA commuter benefits can save the average commuter up to 40% of the cost of transportation to work.
Sometimes the best commute is no commute! Working from home saves time and money, and helps strike a better work-life balance. Studies show that on average, employees who Telework are more productive, applying their saved commuting time to job activities. The TMA provides work-at-home incentives for employees and will help you to establish Telework programs upon request.
Participants who sign up for ridematching using our Community Connect app will be conveniently matched with people who share a similar commute.
Participation in vanpools reduces fuel expense, insurance and maintenance costs, and may improve morale! It also helps companies and residential/commercial developments to reduce on-site parking demand. This may be a particularly important factor when it comes to permitting new facilities.
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