through innovative transportation solutions
Benefits of Membership
The Merrimack Valley TMA is your key resource for collaborative transportation solutions and green commuting benefits.
A TMA connects you to other local businesses, institutions, developers, municipalities and organizations to leverage your combined resources to address common transportation issues.
We help create convenient, cost-effective, environmentally responsible, stress-free and healthy commuting for your tenants and/or your employees.

- Provides a cost-effective way to bring additional value to commercial and residential tenants and employees in these days of rising costs and lean budgets. The average cost per employee or parking space is less than $20 a year, oftentimes significantly less. Furthermore, member commercial/residential property managers and member companies have reported that TMA commuter benefit programs are an important factor in tenant and employee recruitment and retention.
- Can be a cornerstone of your company’s sustainability program. Commercial developments, residential developments, and companies everywhere are exploring ways to reduce their environmental footprint in response to consumer demand, and their desire to “do the right thing” and be a good neighbor and corporate citizen. Since commuting impacts represent one of the most significant aspects of a development or a company’s footprint, participation in TMA transportation demand management services can be a key facet of your mitigation program.
- Allows you to leverage resources as part of a regional transportation collaborative. Working collectively with neighboring companies and developments through the TMA, you will have a stronger voice in pressing for regional transportation improvements that will benefit all.
- Gives you ready access to advocacy services and provides a “voice at the table” for impending transportation infrastructure changes that may affect your organization. For instance, the Merrimack Valley TMA was instrumental in working with the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission, the Town of Andover, and MassDOT to advance the reconstruction of the River Road bridge over I-93 so that the bridge was finished prior to its original planned construction start date.
- Can help to mitigate development impacts. New facility planning is often hampered by local minimum parking space requirements. The alternative commuting programs facilitated by your TMA, such as vanpools and carpools, often lead to exemptions from these requirements.
- May help to reduce your tax burden. The TMA can facilitate the implementation of commuter programs that can typically be deducted from taxable income by both the employee and the employer.
- Support for annual MA DEP RideShare Regulation reporting requirements. TMA programs assist your company with compliance to the MA DEP rideshare regulation. In addition, the Merrimack Valley TMA has advocated strongly for changes to modernize the regulation allowing TMA membership as an alternative to annual RideShare reporting, reducing your annual expense here, as TMA membership dues are typically considerably less than the cost of enlisting consultants to generate these reports.
Dues Include:
Pilot Programs
The ability to try an idea before implementing it without the large-scale investment of company resources (i.e.-college intern recruitment, TNC/on- demand service, telework, bikeshare, placemaking).
Employee/Tenant Services
A host of services available to all employees at no cost to the individual (i.e.- Guaranteed Ride Home, Bike Buddy Program, Commute Connector matching/commute planning tool, MassCommute Statewide Bicycle Challenge, Annual Bike Tune Ups, and Vanpool Formation.
Shuttle Planning and Management
Based on our members needs, aimed at providing the best solution to maximize economies of scale and leverage public dollars (i.e. connecting transit and downtown business district with employer and housing sites, connect transit-dependent workforce to jobsites not located near any public transit via the shuttle).
And much more!
The Merrimack Valley TMA provides SOLUTIONS
Interested in becoming a member?
Fill out the form and we will be in touch to go over the benefits and options for membership.
TMA Programs
TMA commuter benefits can save the average commuter up to 40% of the cost of transportation to work.
The Merrimack Valley TMA offers a comprehensive package of commuter benefits and program assistance designed to provide incentives and realistic transportation alternatives to commuters seeking to abandon the “old way” of drive-alone commuting. Some of these benefits and programs include:
Green to Work
Employees can track their commute and are entered into a quarterly raffle for commuting to work via carpool, vanpool, public transportation, biking or walking – or by participating in a telework program.
Guaranteed Ride Home
The Merrimack Valley TMA offers a Guaranteed Ride Home thru UBER for those using alternative commuting options.
Biking and Walking
Encouraging biking or walking to work reduces commuting costs, helps the environment, and improves health! The Merrimack Valley TMA has programs and resources to support these commuting alternatives, including maps, advocacy groups, and Bike to Work events.
Participants who sign up for ridematching using our Community Connect app will be conveniently matched with people who share a similar commute.
Sometimes the best commute is no commute! Working from home saves time and money, and helps strike a better work-life balance. Studies show that on average, employees who Telework are more productive, applying their saved commuting time to job activities. The TMA provides work-at-home incentives for employees and will help you to establish Telework programs upon request.
Participation in vanpools reduces fuel expense, insurance and maintenance costs, and may improve morale! It also helps companies and residential/commercial developments to reduce on-site parking demand. This may be a particularly important factor when it comes to permitting new facilities.